电流开关 CS20-R Current Relay CS20-R The CS20-R is a low cost current relay designed for applica-tion that require an on-off indication of current. The relay will act while current is above the pre-set value,the current relay is recommended to be used for application where the operat-ing current is above 200mA。It is with 3 way selector that is used for to select the load circuit needed to be monitor. The typical application is to monitor the work status of heat-ing element. When the load lose more than 1/3, the current switch will alarm, the alarm indicator will bright, and the con-tacts of relay will switch. CS20-R电流开关,是一种低成本,专为只需要指示和告警电流有或无的场合应用的电流继电器。电流值**过电流预置值时就能改变输出继电器的状态,因此电流开关能应用于监视电流为200mA以上的场合。带有3路选择开关,可用于选取需要监视的负载回路。 典型的应用场合为监视加热元件的工作状态。当加热元件开路时,电流开关的告警指示灯会亮起,其辅助接点就会输出告警信号;当组合式加热元件中部分缺失,电流开关也会告警。 应用场合 Application 技术数据 Technical data CS20-R 电源 power supply AC220V, 50/60Hz 功耗 Power consumption 100,000h 额定电流 Rated current 2.** 额定动作点 Rated acting point <200mA 响应时间 Response time <1s 初始化时间 Initial time <3s 继电器触点 Relay contacts 1NO+1NC 继电器触点额定开断容量 Rated contacts switching capacity AC-15/250V 6A 耐压强度 Insulating strength AC2000V, 50Hz, 1Min 安装位置 Location mounted 任意 As desire 安装方式 Mount method DIN35mm导轨安装 Mount at DIN35 rail 外壳材料 Material of enclosure 材料性能符合DIN7708标准 Insulating material according to DIN7708